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Game Development Industry 2021: prospects and trends for developers

Research: IT and HR analytics

Game development as an industry with its popularity soaring has already grasped world’s interest and attention. People all over the world play video games and literally enjoy spending their money here. In the year 2020 gaming industry alone was a bigger moneymaker than film and music industries combined. It directly affects growing public interest and, of course, an increasing number of job listings as well as growing developers’ income.

Key points to consider

Over the last two years gaming industry was prone to numerous change and innovation. One of which was use of Blockchain. The stakes are high here and undoubtedly Blockchain gaming has changed the industry. Its prospects are immense, varying from creation of decentralized game market to implementation of new monetization techniques and generating innovative investment opportunities.

NFT or non-fungible tokens — another popular and beating gamedev technology. They may be widely used as collectibles. If common crypto tokens are all identical, in case of NFT — each of them is individual and their total amount very limited. Also, one can only store “whole” NFT without any fragmentation.

Decentralized finance or DeFi has been highly expansive in 2021 after gaining momentum during 2020 and 2019. In brief — DeFi is banking alternative. It`s services may be useful for those unwilling or unable to take on commonly used financial instruments. Insights for 2022 show stable interest for DeFi with its leaders holding ground and no major changes here.

Cloud gaming joins our list of the most popular and promising areas. It allows to bypass constantly growing demand for computational power with costs of advanced hardware unaffordable to many gamers. Its future prospects are favorable in Russia and globally. In Russia alone cloud gaming industry can reach 2.847 billion dollars by 2024 — that is 15 times bigger than what it is today. World cloud gaming industry is prospected to grow another 55.5% within 5 years.

We also foresee continuing speed up of game monetization process in nearby future. The higher the interest towards gaming industry the more it attracts professionals from design and marketing. That generally affects sales, advertising, project promotion, and is also a direct factor of a growing check price for end-user.

It is now quite easy to enter the gaming market — there are numerous courses on game monetization from leading universities and online learning platforms. On the whole, affordable studying and a highly specialized approach to game development increases the scale and speed of project monetization.

The portrait of a successful game developer

Important ideas any professional should note.

English as a means of communication

With the increase in number of global developer teams it becomes harder to find international grade professionals. English has long been a must for any job in international business. If you are striving to get better positions and better teams — you should constantly practice and improve your English skills.

Being a team player

Industry demands for specialists who can effectively interact with their teams and colleagues. Game development is all about an idea, it is highly important for a professional to be able to deliver right here and right now, with no remote work.

Staying hungry for new

A specialist constantly reaching out for new is a good specialist. Cloud technologies, data operation, monetization techniques, blockchain are all promising for game industry. It means one should constantly generate new ideas and various content. There are many things in the project including visuals that are tightly linked to actual knowledge and personal qualities of a professional developer.

Walkthrough and tests

Game developers are mostly gamers themselves. And they show interest not only towards innovation in high-tech but also in games. Walkthroughs, testing, platform try outs — this is all part of the motivated game developer daily routine.

Key point: game developer needs deep knowledge and experience as well as passion and interest towards profession. It is highly important to develop new skills and deliver in your own unique style — this is the key to a successful and beautiful result. And it is what becomes valuable on the market.
There are many ways for building a successful career as a game developer. These opportunities are career growth, new interesting projects, getting bigger salary fast. Working for 2 years in this sphere can boost your skills dramatically and bring you an income of about 3k-3.5k euros monthly.

Check out latest requirements and opportunities, have a look at jobs offered right now! Scroll down to choose what you like and what better suits you. And we will be happy to help!

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