Alex Staff Agency

2020 IT market: trends and results

Research: IT and HR analytics

At the very beginning of the year, we, like many other companies, researched the market and made forecasts based on our conclusions about what will be most in demand in 2020. If only we knew what awaited us!

In this article, read what the year was like, about the key changes in the IT-specialist market in demand and about the most popular technologies.

COVID Impact on the Hiring Market

This year, the whole world is facing a pandemic. The mankind has not seen phenomena of this kind for a long time. The virus has no boundaries. It not only harms human health but also causes significant damage to the economy. And today, with December 2020 in the yard, we are still far from the moment when the economic situation in the world will become stable again.

In February and March, most governments sent people home. Many IT companies were forced to switch their employees to the home office mode in a short time. At this time, many companies could not guarantee the future of new employees and their business as a whole for even a few months.

Until summer we evidenced the period of maximum uncertainty. Some of the employees were fired, the hiring of new ones was suspended and the maximum decrease in business activity was observed.

As for our customers, in the period from 18 to 30 March, consideration of candidates was suspended by about 60%. The rest were ready to arrange interviews, but we all understood the obvious difficulties at the time of hiring. Most of our candidates lived in Russia and the CIS countries, and all of our customers are from the EU and the Middle East.

Since June the trend of finding remote employees has gained momentum. We talked about this in detail here. Companies have mastered the new regime, worked out business processes in distributed teams. Business always presupposes change which means that companies can adapt even to the most serious changes.

Now we can see 2 trends:

  • Temporary remote work when you start working remotely (for example, for the first 3-6 months), and then you will need to move and go to the office.
  • Deleted vacancies appear in those companies that were previously fundamentally unprepared for employees to work from home.

It's too early to talk about getting out of the Covid crisis, economists predict economic recovery no earlier than in 2023. The IT market goes hand in hand with the real sector of the economy. As tech companies adapt to new conditions, we expect an increase in the number of remote positions in foreign companies next year.

The most demanded specializations in IT

Let's take a closer look at the specialists that found it easier to find a job this year.

According to the portal Glassdoor, the following ones are the most popular:

  • Web Developer (56,400)
  • DevOps Engineer (32,200)
  • Full Stack Developer (18,400)
  • Mobile Developer (16,500)

As for the popular European career resource Xing, the most openings were for:

  • Frontend Developers (7,500)
  • DevOps Engineers (7 400)
  • Web developers (about 7,000)
  • Mobile Developers (5,100)

It is quite logical that these areas are in great demand today. Stack division can be uneven within specialization. Mobile developers are divided into Android, iOS, and those working on both or other OS. Web developers have a different stack.

Our experience

We have seen ups and downs in the market this year. While some were shutting down their business, others were finding new ways of development and ways of optimization. During this difficult time, we did not stop working for a day and now we help the best employees and companies find each other.

Based on the analysis of the openings on which we worked this year, we can see the following tendencies on the market:

  • increase in the number of vacancies removed (without subsequent relocation)
  • increased requirements for the level of knowledge of English (more and more teams are getting multinational)
  • the willingness of customers to invest in business development (increase in BizDev positions since autumn)
  • the rise and active development of companies in the GameDev industry and in the field of online cinemas, because this year their revenues increased significantly, when people had to stay at home for a long time

If we talk about the stack, the following trends can be distinguished this year:

  • Decreased number of Java jobs
  • Increased Requirements for Data Scientists and Analytical Positions
  • Much more openings on the web
  • More openings in gaming companies
  • Significant growth in the field of cybersecurity and OPS positions

Today we can see an increase in the number of new vacancies, the readiness of customers to hire and expand their teams. This suggests that now you have the opportunity to find a new implementation on the market, but you need to be ready to learn new technologies and be as flexible as possible in business processes.

We hope we were helpful to you. Subscribe to our pages on LinkedIn and Facebook for the latest news and openings abroad.